Townships Young Voices

Townships Sun launches new initiative to revitalize the voice of the Townships

The Townships Young Voices Workshop team celebrates their first video shoot. Standing are Marie Moliner (TYV Coordinator), Rachel Garber (Townships Sun editor), Rebecca Welton (Fiction Workshop Leader), Cécilia Alain (Art and Photography Workshop Leader), Abby Whitcher (Townshippers Association); sitting are Léa Côté (Bishop's University Experiential Learning Program), and Scott Stevenson (Non-fiction Workshop Leader). Missing is Jan Draper, Poetry Workshop Leader. Photo courtesy of Townships Sun.

By Taylor McClure
Townships’ Daily News Bits
CIDI 99.1 FM

The Townships Sun, a non-profit magazine in the Eastern Townships, was founded in 1973 by the Eastern Townships Social Action Group.

The first issue of the Townships’ Sun was published on February 8, 1974 with the goal of helping the English speaking community. 

Almost 50 years later, the Townships Sun continues to thrive with its monthly publications and projects. 

This year, the Townships Sun is launching a new project entitled “Townships Young Voices” to provide youth in the Eastern Townships with the opportunity to take part in a series of workshops, to be publicized in its magazine, and a chance to win prizes. 

Marie Moliner, Townships Young Voices coordinator and Assistant Editor of the Townships Sun, sits down with us and gives us all the details. 

Note of error: The Townshippers Association is overseeing the awards completely, not the Townships not.

Listen to the full interview below:


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