The Well

The Well: Well-being comes first 

Valerie Vincent (L) and Jamie Moar (R) are looking forward to welcoming the community to The Well. Photo by Megan Hlusko.

By Taylor McClure 
Townships’ Daily News Bits 
CIDI 99.1 FM 

Two Knowlton entrepreneurs want to see the community put their well-being first with new business venture The Well. Jamie Moar and Valerie Vincent have joined forces to offer different forms of yoga classes, wellness, and workshops to bring the community together, and to connect and ground with oneself. 

The co-owners are offering free yoga classes for the month of September to give people a taste as to what The Well offers and will officially launch with their program at the beginning of October. Their hope is to create a space that will encourage people to come back and to make The Well a priority in their daily lives. 

Moar and Vincent were connected through owner of Le Loom Laura McConnell after she realized that the two women had a lot in common. 

“I actually just found this space and I just found it was a beautiful yoga studio, even though it wasn’t a yoga studio in the past. From that vision, I just started thinking that I need to open a yoga studio,” recounted Vincent. 

“When we met, that’s when I originally was like I’ll listen to Val’s ideas, maybe I’ll help by teaching at the space, but I had no intention of becoming a part of the ownership of it,” added Moar. “But as soon as we had our first coffee together, not even two months ago, I was like we need to do this.”

Vincent said that the original idea behind The Well is to create a space where the  entire community, no matter the person’s background, can come together. 

“We want to have a place where people can come in, feel like it’s their second home, and connect with themselves and others. A lot of it is going to be through yoga, but there is also going to be workshops and wellness, really we want people to be able to connect through wellness,” explained Vincent. 

“I already have the Marina, teaching yoga, and coaching women. I feel like I am of service, that’s really what it is, and to offer people an experience that makes their day a little bit better. I feel like this just adds in so beautifully,” mentioned Moar. “(…) It’s just such a special feeling when you get to be in this space with others.”

Moar noted that their future plan is to bring in other individuals from the area that can bring different experiences to the table, but for now they are keeping things as simple as possible with both her and Vincent teaching daily yoga classes.

“Ultimately, we are just going to add hopefully more and more. The more people that sign up to yoga classes, the more we will be able to have other teachers come in, teach different styles, not just yoga other types of movement, and same goes for the workshops,” said Moar. 

Other programs that will be offered at The Well include a “Happiness Club” and the “Sister’s Circle” led by McConnell. 

“This space is also a space that people can rent and host their own workshops and clubs. We have this Happiness Club led by Caitie Moynan and basically it’s an amazing space for kids to nurture and grow their happiness,” mentioned Vincent. “We also have the Sister’s Circles that is six sessions, once every month, and it’s women coming together and connecting with each other.”

Vincent said that The Well is all about nurturing a sense of wellness and having a space where people can “selfishly” focus on themselves. 

“We’re hoping to create such a space that people just look forward to that part of their week, that their willing to set their alarm just a little bit earlier. It’s just something that they know will be worth it once they show up there,” said Moar. 

For any questions regarding The Well

Listen to the full interview below:


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