Conservative Party of Quebec

Conservative Party of Quebec: Brome-Missisquoi candidate Stéphanie Prévost

CPQ candidate Stéphanie Prévost. Photo courtesy of Stéphanie Prévost.

By Taylor McClure 
Townships’ Daily News Bits 
CIDI 99.1 FM 

The Quebec provincial election is quickly making its way around the corner with voting day taking place on Monday, October 3. 

According to the Élections Quebec website, there are ten candidates running in the Brome-Missisquoi region for this year’s election. 

These candidates are: Isabelle Charest (Coalition avenir Québec), Pierre Fontaine (Démocratie directe), Sébastien Houle (Indépendant), Alexandre Legault (Québec solidaire), Lynn Moore (Canadian Party of Québec), Caitlin Moynan (Green Party), Guillaume Paquet (Parti québécois), Stéphanie Prévost (Parti conservateur du Québec), Tommy Quirion-Bouchard (Climat Québec), and Claude Vadeboncoeur (Quebec Liberal Party). 

For the next week and half, CIDI 99.1 FM is sitting down with candidates who  will speak on their political platform and the issues they plan to address in the Brome-Missisquoi riding and at the provincial level.

Stéphanie Prévost, candidate for the Conservative Party of Quebec (CPQ), is taking on her first political campaign after working in the health domaine. 

“As I work in mental health and now I’m in an HR department, I saw a lot of anxiety around me. I know that I’m not the one that can take care of everybody, but I need to put my voice out there more to help people,” said Prévost. “(…) I thought it was the right time for me to be there to make big changes in our society and Quebec.”

Prévost noted that some of the most important aspects of the CPQ’s platform are related to the health care system, more particularly to have more doctors in the public health care system and decentralizing the health care system entirely.

“We want to join the private and the public (systems). People are scared sometimes that it will cost something these type of projects, but it will be the RAMQ still that will be taken for services,” she explained. “The doctors will be able to work in the public too because right now they can’t do it. If you are private, you cannot go to the public if you are a doctor.”

Prévost added that the CPQ also wants to reduce taxes, support those that want to come out of retirement or continue to work, and invest in at-home-care for senior citizens. 

“We want to take care of seniors, it’s very important for us to take care of them. We can’t talk about a society without respecting our seniors,” emphasized Prévost.

In Brome-Missisquoi in particular, Prévost explained that because there is such a large Anglophone presence, addressing Bill 96 is a priority. She noted that the CPQ is completely against the bill and plans on “putting it in the garbage.” 

“We think we have to live together, reunite together, and stop dividing people. (…) If you read all of the things about it, it’s really not a good thing. We want to protect French for sure, but there are other ways than repressing the Anglophone community to keep French,” she said. 

At the provincial level, Prévost wants to implement environmental initiatives, address the housing crisis, be the voice of the people, and work with the people. 

“Sometimes they have solutions, but they aren’t listened to. I want to make sure that they are listened to and bring my voice for them to the National Assembly if they need it,” mentioned Prévost. 

Listen to the full interview below:


Canadian Party of Quebec


Coalition Avenir Quebec