QuEB Taxi

QuEB Taxi gives community members a lift from point A to point B

From left to right: Chuck Pepler, Jennifer Pepler-Quinn, Alex Beck, and Dilon Elston. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Pepler-Quinn.

By Taylor McClure
Townships’ Daily News Bits
CIDI 99.1 FM

Jennifer Pepler-Quinn, Dilon Elston, Alex Beck, and Chuck Pepler have joined forces to fill in a gap for public transportation in Brome-Missisquoi with new taxi company QuEB Taxi. 

Since they were young adolescents, it’s been a dream for Elston and Beck to make a career out of anything that involved a steering wheel. 

Their 13-year friendship cemented a strong partnership, and with the support and guidance of Pepler-Quinn, their dreams became a reality. They officially launched QuEB Taxi at the beginning of September. 

“I met these young men when they were young boys and I asked them what their dream was. Slowly, over months, they formulated it and let me know. I said ‘when you’re older, when you’re 25, you’ll be old enough to drive a taxi, and if you still want to do it I’ll help you.’ This year, they both turned 25,” recounted Pepler-Quinn.

Beck said that from the time he and Elston got their license, they knew that whatever they did had to involve driving. 

“Dilon and I have been friends for 13-14 years, it’s been a long time. When it comes to imagination, we have always been intertwined, it’s just there. It’s one of those relationships where when it’s connected, it’s connected,” he emphasized. 

Elston explained he often went to Pepler-Quinn’s home for youth group and was constantly watching her drive around. 

“I was always watching her drive and I pretended to drive, it was kind of fun at the time. Ever since then, I just wanted to drive. I wanted to explore and get to know the communities,” he said. 

“With this little youth group we’d pick up the children all over the region. So, they kind of got a sense of a bigger area than where they grew up. It was exciting to spend those hours together and to dream and say could we do that?,” added Pepler-Quinn. 

QuEB Taxi mainly serves the Brome Lake area and surrounding villages that don’t have a taxi service.

“It’s better if people call for sure, but they can always go on our Facebook page and the number is there, you can even email. We prefer if people call because then we can give them everything right there and then,” noted Beck. 

“We pretty much go anywhere. As long as we are picking up within our area, we can go to the airport, we can go to Cowansville, Granby,” mentioned Elston. 

Part of starting a business is coming up with a name, and QuEB Taxi has a special background story. 

“We were throwing it back and forth, back and forth, and it was like why don’t we just use our initials? We live in Quebec and it lines up. Dilon said ‘hold on let me call Jenn. Jenn, what do you think about QuEB?’ And she said ‘what if we added a U to symbolize the people?’ And I was like yup, that’s our name,” recounted Beck. 

Beck, Elston, and Pepler-Quinn highlighted their hopes for QuEB Taxi.

“My dream really is to be bigger than what it is. Everyone wants to go big or go home. If we can expand it, that would be something really awesome,” said Beck.

“My dream would be to help other people’s dreams come true with our company,” added Elston. 

“What’s been on my heart since I was a young girl was to break a cycle where all Canadians don’t have equal opportunities, even though we claim to do that. So, to find a way to set up a mentoring system with retired professionals, and create a template where we can affect government policy on low income and welfare situations where children just need a chance,” explained Pepler-Quinn. “(…) That’s our stepping stone with QuEB Taxi.”

For information on QuEB Taxi 

Listen to the full interview below:


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