FEMS Award 2022

FEMS: Women supporting women in their entrepreneurial journey 

Jessica Adams and Jaime Moar, two co-founding members of FEMS, awarding 2021 recipient of the FEMS Award Destiny Picken. Photo courtesy of FEMS.

By Taylor McClure 
Townships’ Daily News Bits
CIDI 99.1 FM

Female Entrepreneurs Offering Mentorship and Support (FEMS) is back with its financial award and guidance for 2022. Started by a group female entrepreneurs scattered around the Eastern Townships in 2021, FEMS provides aspiring female identifying entrepreneurs with 6 months of mentorship and financial support to help them on their entrepreneurial journey. The group has officially launched its call for applications for 2022 and they are encouraging those with a passion to follow their instincts and apply. 

“FEMS started in the holiday period of 2021, a bunch of female entrepreneurs had gotten together to do a series of giveaways leading up to Christmas. We found that working together was really fun, stimulating, and it was really nice to broaden our networks. We decided to keep that momentum going through the FEMS Award,” explained Jessica Adams, co-founding member of FEMS. 

The group of women had one thing in common: wishing they knew more and that they had more support when they started their entrepreneurial journey. 

“I think we quickly learned while working together, that we all different strengths and things to learn from one another. All of our teenager selves came out and we were like ‘can you teach me?,” said Sarah Holmes, co-founding member of FEMS and head of social media. 

While they had no clue what the FEMS Award would look like, they found their perfect 2021 candidate in Destiny Picken.

“She reached out to us and we were like you know what, we’re not sure yet what this award will be either, but it sounds like you have a lot of interests, a lot passion, a lot drive, so please do apply,” laughed Adams. 

“Honestly, she reminded me a lot of myself and I think a lot of us saw ourselves in her where she so many interests and absolutely no clue where to start,” mentioned Holmes. “A lot of young teenage girls coming out of high-school don’t think its feasible to embark on any of their passions or interests from scratch. (…) It was really exciting to just be like, you know what? This is all you need and encourage her and nurture her.”

Having a passion for photography, writing, baking, and working with individuals with special needs, members of FEMS used their different backgrounds to provide knowledge in these fields to help support Destiny in whatever passion she chose to pursue. 

“We really thought that our candidate would have one idea, kinda one passion or goal to work towards, and she didn’t. It was really cool for us too to be thrown out of left field,” added Holmes. 

The FEMS Award is back again this year with some changes. 

“What has changed is the timeline. Last year, we were aiming for the end of the school year application period. We decided that instead of rushing to make it coincide with the awards already going on, why not give candidates the summer to think about it, to put together an application, and apply in September,” noted Adams. “We also opened up the age range. Before it was open to high school graduates and we have since changed it to between 14 and 21.”

The bursary has also increased from $500 to $750, all made possible through community donations. The criteria to be eligible for the FEMS Award requires the applicant to be between 14 and 21 years old, identify as female, and a living in the Eastern Townships. 

“I think that was one of our biggest successes with the first round of the FEMS Award was the incredible community support,” said Adams. “People were so inspired by the idea and keen to help in whatever way they could, whether as a guest mentor or as a donor.”

FEMS has officially launched its call for applications for the 2022 FEMS Award. Information about FEMS and the FEMS Award can be found here

Listen to the full interview below:


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